Şablon:Other uses Şablon:For Şablon:Multiple issues
The Ashina (Şablon:Zh; Middle Chinese: (Guangyun) Şablon:IPA-ltc), also spelled Asen, Asena, or Açina, was a tribe and the ruling dynasty of the ancient Turkic peoples. They rose to prominence in the mid-6th century when their leader, Bumin Qaghan, revolted against the Rouran Khaganate. The two main branches of the family, one descended from Bumin and the other from his brother Istemi, ruled over the eastern and western parts of the Göktürk confederation, respectively.
Researchers such as H.W. Haussig,<ref name="Haussig Н 1979">Haussig Н.W. Byzantinische Qullen über Mittelasien in ihrer historischen Aussage // Prolegomena to the sources on the history of pre-Islamic Central Asia. Budapest, 1979. S. 55–56.</ref> S.G. Kljyashtorny,<ref>Кляшторный С.Г. Проблемы ранней истории племени тÿрк (ашина). // Новое в советской археологии. / МИА № 130. М.: 1965. С. 278-281.</ref><ref name="ReferenceA">Kjyashtorny S.G. The Royal Clan of the Turks and the Problem of its Designation//Post-Soviet Central Asia. Edited by Touraj Atabaki and John O'Kane. Tauris Academic Studies. London*New York in association with IIAS. The international Institute for Asian Studies. Leiden-Amsterdam, P.366-369.</ref> A.N. Bernstamm,<ref name="rgo-sib.ru">Бернштам А.Н. Никита Яковлевич Бичурин (Иакинф) и его труд "Собрание сведений..." М.-Л., Наука, 1950.</ref> C. V. Findley,<ref name="Findley 39">C. V. Findley 39.</ref> B.A. Muratov,<ref name="Conde, Lidergraf 2014">Муратов Б.А. ДНК-генеалогия тюркоязычных народов Урала, Волги и Кавказа. Том 4, серия «Этногеномика и ДНК-генеалогия», ЭИ Проект «Суюн». Vila do Conde, Lidergraf, 2014, илл. ISBN 978-5-9904583-2-1.</ref> R.R. Suyunov,<ref>Муратов Б.А., Суюнов Р.Р. Саки-динлины, аорсы, Ашина и потомки кланов Дешти-Кипчака по данным ДНК-генеалогии//Вестник Академии ДНК-генеалогии (Бостон, США) → Том 7, №8, Август 2014, стр. 1198-1226.</ref> D.G. Savinov,<ref>Савинов Д.Г. Владение Цигу древнетюркских генеалогических преданий и таштыкская культура. // Историко-культурные связи народов Южной Сибири. Абакан: 1988. С. 64-74.</ref> S.P. Guschin,<ref name="Conde, Lidergraf 2014"/> Rona-Tas<ref name="Róna-Tas 280">Róna-Tas 280.</ref> and R.N. Frye<ref>Frye Richard N. Turks in Transoxiana</ref> have pointed out that the origin of the Ashina is from Saka-Wusun. They have put forward this version of the following arguments:
Genetics (Data of Y-DNA)
During 2015-2016, the Fudan University (Shanghai), headed by ethnogenesist Shao-Qing Wen (文少卿) in China conducted tests to determine the Y-DNA haplogroup of the representatives of the Turkic clan Ashina (creators and managers Turkic Khanate in the VI-VII centuries) and Ashide(阿史德: another dominant clan which produced empresses, so called Khatuns, and supreme military leaders).
Subclade of clan Ashina: R1a-Z93, Z94+, Z2123-, Y2632-.(Ashide: Q1a-L53)<ref>Wen S.-Q., Muratov B.A., Suyunov R.R. The haplogroups of the representatives from ancient Turkic clans - Ashina and Ashide//BEHPS, Şablon:ISSN, Volume 3, №2[1,2], March 2016, P.154-157.</ref> In this research, 6 R-Z94 applicants, who identifies themselves as descendants of the Ashina clan and whose ancestors are known to be originated from Gaochang(高昌), are listed as the descendants of the Ashina, with four of them from China having a surname Shi(史) and two of them from Pashtun Afganistan and Bulgaria.