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Bu vikide "Jihad" sayfasını oluştur! Ayrıca bulunan arama sonuçlarını görün.
- ...''Bidāyat al-Mujtahid wa-Nihāyat al-Muqtasid'' (translated in Peters, ''Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam: A Reader'', Chapter 4). * [[Jihad]]([[Jihadism|ism]])20 KB (3.102 kelime) - 09:39, 4 Eylül 2019
- ...devout Islamic connotation; e.g., [[Sultan ul-Mujahidin]] as champion of [[jihad]] (to strive and to struggle in the name of Allah). ...rain (also styled [[Amir al-Mu´minin]] and Sarkin Musulmi) of all [[Fulbe jihad state]]s and premier traditional Muslim leader in the [[Sahel]] (according20 KB (2.871 kelime) - 11:42, 25 Mart 2017
- ...Muhammad is the messenger of God."<ref>N Mohammad (1985), The doctrine of jihad: An introduction, Journal of Law and Religion, 3(2): 381-397</ref> This tes ===Jihad===170 KB (25.334 kelime) - 17:54, 25 Mart 2017
- ...of the Golden Horde due to the actions of the Ilkhanate led him to declare jihad because the Ilkhanids were hogging the wealth of North Iran and the Ilkhana24 KB (3.636 kelime) - 16:55, 26 Mart 2017
- The Muslim Kara-Khanid Turks performed Jihad against Buddhist Uyghur Turks during the [[Islamicisation and Turkicisation116 KB (16.285 kelime) - 17:30, 26 Mart 2017
- ...of the Golden Horde due to the actions of the Ilkhanate led him to declare jihad because the Ilkhanids were hogging the wealth of North Iran and the Ilkhana9 KB (1.400 kelime) - 18:54, 26 Mart 2017
- ...of the Golden Horde due to the actions of the Ilkhanate led him to declare jihad because of the Ilkhanids domination of the wealth of North Iran, and the Il13 KB (1.894 kelime) - 18:56, 26 Mart 2017