Arama sonuçları

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  • * 1204: Victory over [[Naimans]] (all these confederations unite and become the Mo [[Category:1160s births]]
    99 KB (15.120 kelime) - 12:00, 25 Mart 2017
  • and companion Borokhula rescued him. Although already married, in 1204 his father gave him [[Töregene]], the wife of a defeated [[Merkit]] chief. [[Category:1186 births]]
    29 KB (4.445 kelime) - 16:57, 26 Mart 2017
  • and companion Borokhula rescued him. Although already married, in 1204 his father gave him [[Töregene]], the wife of a defeated [[Merkit]] chief. [[Category:1186 births]]
    29 KB (4.445 kelime) - 16:58, 26 Mart 2017
  • '''Orda Ichen''' ( [[Circa|c.]] 1204-1251 [[Common Era|CE]]) is credited for founding the [[White Horde]]; he wa [[Category:1204 births]]
    8 KB (1.189 kelime) - 17:03, 26 Mart 2017