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− | hoverClass: 'over',
| |
− | delay: 500,
| |
− | animation: {height:'show'},
| |
− | speed: 160,
| |
− | disableHI: true,
| |
− | autoArrows: false
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | //hide scrollers until fully loaded
| |
− | jQuery('#explicit').show();
| |
− | jQuery('#trending').show();
| |
− |
| |
− | jQuery(".trending-content").smoothDivScroll({
| |
− | manualContinuousScrolling: true,
| |
− | visibleHotSpotBackgrounds: "always",
| |
− | hotSpotScrollingStep: 4,
| |
− | hotSpotScrollingInterval: 4,
| |
− | touchScrolling: true
| |
− | });
| |
− | jQuery(".explicit-content").smoothDivScroll({
| |
− | manualContinuousScrolling: true,
| |
− | visibleHotSpotBackgrounds: "always",
| |
− | hotSpotScrollingStep: 4,
| |
− | hotSpotScrollingInterval: 4,
| |
− | touchScrolling: true
| |
− | });
| |
− | jQuery(".trending-content .scrollableArea").addClass("loop");
| |
− |
| |
− | //jquery ui slider
| |
− | jQuery('.form-selector').slider({
| |
− | value: 2.5,
| |
− | min: 0,
| |
− | max: 5,
| |
− | step: 0.5,
| |
− | orientation: "horizontal",
| |
− | range: "min",
| |
− | animate: true,
| |
− | slide: function( event, ui ) {
| |
− | var rating = ui.value;
| |
− |
| |
− | jQuery(this).parent().siblings('.rating-value').html( rating );
| |
− | }
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | //HD images
| |
− | if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
| |
− | var images = jQuery("img.hires");
| |
− | // loop through the images and make them hi-res
| |
− | for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
| |
− | // create new image name
| |
− | var imageType = images[i].src.substr(-4);
| |
− | var imageName = images[i].src.substr(0, images[i].src.length - 4);
| |
− | imageName += "@2x" + imageType;
| |
− | //rename image
| |
− | images[i].src = imageName;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− |
| |
− | jQuery('a.featured-image').colorbox();
| |
− | jQuery('.colorbox').colorbox();
| |
− | jQuery(".the-content a[href$='.jpg'],a[href$='.png'],a[href$='.gif']").colorbox();
| |
− | jQuery('.the-content .gallery a').colorbox({rel:'gallery'});
| |
− |
| |
− |
| |
− | //placeholder text for IE9
| |
− | jQuery('input, textarea').placeholder();
| |
− |
| |
− | //insert content menu items
| |
− | jQuery(jQuery('#content-anchor-inner').find('.content-section-divider').get().reverse()).each(function () {
| |
− | var id = jQuery(this).attr('id');
| |
− | var label = jQuery(this).data('label');
| |
− | jQuery( '#content-anchor-wrapper' ).after( '<li><a href="#' + id + '">' + label + '</a></li>' );
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | var fromTop = 119;
| |
− | //attach scrollspy
| |
− | jQuery('body').scrollspy({ target: '.contents-menu', offset: fromTop });
| |
− |
| |
− | //functions that need to run after ajax buttons are clicked
| |
− | dynamicElements();
| |
− |
| |
− | //menu hover fx
| |
− | menuHovers();
| |
− |
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | //applied to elements within ajax panels
| |
− | function dynamicElements() {
| |
− | //portholes mouseovers
| |
− | jQuery("#portholes .porthole-link").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-color").stop().animate({
| |
− | 'opacity':'.8'
| |
− | }, 150);
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-layer").stop().animate({
| |
− | 'opacity':'0'
| |
− | }, 350);
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-info").find(".rating-wrapper").stop().animate({
| |
− | 'opacity':'.9'
| |
− | }, 100);
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-info").stop().delay(0).queue(function(next){
| |
− | jQuery(this).addClass("active");
| |
− | next();
| |
− | });
| |
− | },
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-color").stop().animate({
| |
− | 'opacity':'0'
| |
− | }, 550);
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-layer").stop().animate({
| |
− | 'opacity':'.9'
| |
− | }, 250);
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-info").find(".rating-wrapper").stop().animate({
| |
− | 'opacity':'0'
| |
− | }, 550);
| |
− | jQuery(this).siblings(".porthole-info").stop().delay(150).queue(function(next){
| |
− | jQuery(this).removeClass("active");
| |
− | next();
| |
− | });
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | //active hover
| |
− | jQuery(".add-active").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).addClass("active");
| |
− | },
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).removeClass("active");
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | //image hovers
| |
− | jQuery(".active-image").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).find('img').stop().animate({ opacity: .4 }, 150);
| |
− | },
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).find('img').stop().animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500);
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | jQuery(".the_content").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).find('img').stop().animate({ opacity: .4 }, 150);
| |
− | },
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).find('img').stop().animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500);
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | //jQuery tooltips
| |
− | jQuery('.info').tooltip();
| |
− | jQuery('.info-top').tooltip();
| |
− | jQuery('.info-bottom').tooltip({ placement: 'bottom' });
| |
− | jQuery('.info-left').tooltip({ placement: 'left' });
| |
− | jQuery('.info-right').tooltip({ placement: 'right' });
| |
− | //jQuery popovers
| |
− | jQuery('.popthis').popover();
| |
− | //jQuery alert dismissals
| |
− | jQuery(".alert").alert();
| |
− | //jQuery fitvids
| |
− | jQuery('.video_frame').fitVids();
| |
− | //equal height columns
| |
− | equalHeightColumns(jQuery(".widget-panel"));
| |
− | equalHeightColumns(jQuery(".loop.grid .article-panel"));
| |
− | //if items are dynamically added on page load, need to account for new width
| |
− | resizeContentsMenu();
| |
− | resizeStickyMenu();
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | //call equal height columns when window is resized
| |
− | jQuery(window).resize(function() {
| |
− | equalHeightColumns(jQuery(".widget-panel"));
| |
− | equalHeightColumns(jQuery(".loop.grid .article-panel"));
| |
− | resizeContentsMenu();
| |
− | resizeStickyMenu();
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | //call equal height columns when widgets is resized
| |
− | jQuery("#widgets").resize(function(e){
| |
− | equalHeightColumns(jQuery(".widget-panel"));
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | //call equal height columns when main menu items are hovered since sub menus are
| |
− | //hidden and don't have heights until visible
| |
− | jQuery('body').on('mouseover', '#section-menu-full a.parent-item', function(e){
| |
− | equalHeightColumns(jQuery("#section-menu-full ul.term-list, #section-menu-full li.post-list"), true);
| |
− | });
| |
− | //equal height columns
| |
− | function equalHeightColumns(group, nolimit) {
| |
− | tallest = 0;
| |
− | width = jQuery(window).width();
| |
− | group.each(function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).removeAttr('style');
| |
− | thisHeight = jQuery(this).height();
| |
− | if(thisHeight > tallest) {
| |
− | tallest = thisHeight;
| |
− | }
| |
− | });
| |
− | if(width > 991 || nolimit) {
| |
− | group.height(tallest);
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | var topOffset = 70;
| |
− | var barOffset = 208;
| |
− |
| |
− | jQuery(window).scroll(function() {
| |
− | if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 110) {
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-bar').addClass('fixed');
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-bar.logo-slide .logo a').stop().animate({ opacity: 1.0, left: '0px' }, 100);
| |
− | } else {
| |
− | if(!jQuery('#sticky-menu').is(':visible') && !jQuery('#section-menu-mobile').is(':visible')) {
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-bar').removeClass('fixed');
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-bar.logo-slide .logo a').stop().animate({ opacity: 0, left: '-100px' }, 500);
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | if(jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 44) {
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-bar').addClass('sticky-mobile');
| |
− | } else {
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-bar').removeClass('sticky-mobile');
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | //back to top arrow
| |
− | if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() < 150) {
| |
− | jQuery("#back-to-top").fadeOut();
| |
− | }
| |
− | else {
| |
− | jQuery("#back-to-top").fadeIn();
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | resizeContentsMenu();
| |
− | resizeStickyMenu();
| |
− | });
| |
− |
| |
− | function resizeStickyMenu() {
| |
− | //see if compact versions of menus should be shown
| |
− | if(jQuery('#section-menu-full').length > 0) {
| |
− | var megaWidth = jQuery('.mega-menu').width();
| |
− | var standardWidth = jQuery('.secondary-menu-full').width();
| |
− | var compactWidth = jQuery('.secondary-menu-compact').width();
| |
− | var menusWidth = megaWidth + standardWidth;
| |
− | var compactMenusWidth = megaWidth + compactWidth;
| |
− | var logoWidth = jQuery('#sticky-bar .logo').width();
| |
− | //var logoLeft = jQuery('#sticky-bar .logo').offset();
| |
− | //logoWidth = logoWidth + logoLeft.left;
| |
− | var newWidth = jQuery('#new-articles').width();
| |
− | var stickyWidth = jQuery('#sticky-menu-selector').width();
| |
− | var randomWidth = jQuery('#random-article').width();
| |
− | var controlsWidth = jQuery('#sticky-controls').width();
| |
− | var barWidth = jQuery('#sticky-bar > .row > .col-md-12 > .container').width();
| |
− | var extraWidth = logoWidth + newWidth + stickyWidth + randomWidth + controlsWidth;
| |
− | var limitWidth = barWidth - extraWidth;
| |
− | //alert('megaWidth=' + megaWidth + '\nstandardWidth=' + standardWidth + '\nmenusWidth=' + menusWidth + '\nlogoWidth=' + logoWidth + '\nlogoLeft=' + logoLeft.left + '\nnewWidth=' + newWidth + '\nstickyWidth=' + stickyWidth + '\nrandomWidth=' + randomWidth + '\ncontrolsWidth=' + controlsWidth + '\nbarWidth=' + barWidth + '\nextraWidth=' + extraWidth + '\nlimitWidth=' + limitWidth);
| |
− | //mega menu alone passes limit
| |
− | if(megaWidth > limitWidth) {
| |
− | jQuery('#section-menu-full').hide();
| |
− | jQuery('#section-menu-compact').show();
| |
− | }
| |
− | //standard menu alone passes limit
| |
− | if(standardWidth > limitWidth) {
| |
− | jQuery('.secondary-menu-full').hide();
| |
− | jQuery('.secondary-menu-compact').show();
| |
− | }
| |
− | //both menus together pass limit
| |
− | if(menusWidth > limitWidth) {
| |
− | //first reduce standard menu
| |
− | jQuery('.secondary-menu-full').hide();
| |
− | jQuery('.secondary-menu-compact').show();
| |
− | //compact standard plus mega menu pass limit
| |
− | if(compactMenusWidth > limitWidth) {
| |
− | jQuery('#section-menu-full').hide();
| |
− | jQuery('#section-menu-compact').show();
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | function resizeContentsMenu() {
| |
− | //bookmark positioning
| |
− | if(jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').length > 0) {
| |
− | var menuOffset = jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').offset().top - topOffset;
| |
− | var newWidth = jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').width() - 2;
| |
− | var btnWidth = jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper ul.sort-buttons').width();
| |
− | var lblWidth = jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper .bar-label-wrapper').width();
| |
− | var wrapperWidth = jQuery('#main-content').width() - 2;
| |
− | var barWidth = btnWidth + lblWidth;
| |
− | if (barWidth > wrapperWidth) {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').addClass('vertical');
| |
− | }
| |
− | if (!jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').hasClass('vertical') && jQuery(this).scrollTop() > menuOffset) {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu').addClass('fixed').width(newWidth);
| |
− | } else {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu').removeClass('fixed').removeAttr('style');
| |
− | }
| |
− | //show the menu after scrolling and hide after a while (only for vertical layout)
| |
− | if(jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').hasClass('vertical')) {
| |
− | if(!jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').is(':visible')) {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').stop().fadeIn(100);
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | if(jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').hasClass('vertical')) {
| |
− | var newOffset = 68;
| |
− | jQuery('body').data()['bs.scrollspy'].options.offset = newOffset; // Set the new offset
| |
− | jQuery('body').data()['bs.scrollspy'].process(); // Force scrollspy to recalculate the offsets to your targets
| |
− | jQuery('body').scrollspy('refresh'); // Refresh the scrollspy.
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | //if disqus is active need to adjust anchor link from comments to disqus thread
| |
− | function disqusContentsMenu() {
| |
− | if (jQuery("#disqus_thread").length > 0){
| |
− | jQuery("#comments-anchor-wrapper a").attr("href", "#disqus_thread");
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | //hide contents menu 2 seconds after scrolling has stopped
| |
− | (function() {
| |
− | var timer;
| |
− | jQuery(window).bind('scroll',function () {
| |
− | clearTimeout(timer);
| |
− | timer = setTimeout( refresh , 1800 );
| |
− | });
| |
− | var refresh = function () {
| |
− | //only want to do this for vertical style and only if mouse is not currently hovering over the menu
| |
− | if(jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').hasClass('vertical') && jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper:hover').length == 0) {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').fadeOut(1200);
| |
− | }
| |
− | };
| |
− | })();
| |
− |
| |
− | //hide contents menu after user mouses out
| |
− | (function() {
| |
− | var timer;
| |
− | jQuery('body').on('mouseenter', '.contents-menu-wrapper.vertical', function(e) {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').stop(true, true).fadeIn(100);
| |
− | clearTimeout(timer);
| |
− | });
| |
− | jQuery('body').on('mouseleave', '.contents-menu-wrapper.vertical', function(e) {
| |
− | clearTimeout(timer);
| |
− | timer = setTimeout( refresh , 1800 );
| |
− | });
| |
− | var refresh = function () {
| |
− | //only want to do this for vertical style and only if mouse is not currently hovering over the menu
| |
− | if(jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').hasClass('vertical') && jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper:hover').length == 0) {
| |
− | jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').fadeOut(1200);
| |
− | }
| |
− | };
| |
− | })();
| |
− |
| |
− | /**
| |
− | * Check a href for an anchor. If exists, and in document, scroll to it.
| |
− | * If href argument ommited, assumes context (this) is HTML Element,
| |
− | * which will be the case when invoked by jQuery after an event
| |
− | */
| |
− | function scroll_if_anchor(href) {
| |
− | href = typeof(href) == "string" ? href : jQuery(this).attr("href");
| |
− |
| |
− | //do not interfere with bootstrap carousels
| |
− | if(jQuery(href).length > 0 && !jQuery(this).hasClass('no-scroll')) {
| |
− | var fromTop = 118;
| |
− |
| |
− | //subtract contents menu height (and margin)
| |
− | if(jQuery('.contents-menu-wrapper').hasClass('vertical')) {
| |
− | fromTop = fromTop - 51;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | // If our Href points to a valid, non-empty anchor, and is on the same page (e.g. #foo)
| |
− | // Legacy jQuery and IE7 may have issues: http://stackoverflow.com/q/1593174
| |
− | if(href.indexOf("#") == 0) {
| |
− | var $target = jQuery(href);
| |
− |
| |
− | // Older browser without pushState might flicker here, as they momentarily
| |
− | // jump to the wrong position (IE < 10)
| |
− | if($target.length) {
| |
− | jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $target.offset().top - fromTop });
| |
− | if(history && "pushState" in history) {
| |
− | history.pushState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname + href);
| |
− | return false;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | // When our page loads, check to see if it contains an anchor
| |
− | scroll_if_anchor(window.location.hash);
| |
− | // Intercept all anchor clicks
| |
− | jQuery("body").on("click", "a", scroll_if_anchor);
| |
− |
| |
− | //menu hovers
| |
− | function menuHovers() {
| |
− | jQuery(".menu .post-list a").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).children('img').stop().animate({ opacity: .3 }, 150);
| |
− | },
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).children('img').stop().animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500);
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | }
| |
− | //new articles effects
| |
− | jQuery("#new-articles .selector").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).addClass('over');
| |
− | },
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).removeClass('over');
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | jQuery("#new-articles .selector").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery('#new-articles .post-container').animate({
| |
− | height: 'toggle'
| |
− | }, 100, 'linear' );
| |
− | jQuery(this).toggleClass('active');
| |
− | });
| |
− | //show search box
| |
− | jQuery("#menu-search-button").hover(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).toggleClass('hover');
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | jQuery("#menu-search-button").click(
| |
− | function() {
| |
− | jQuery('#menu-search').fadeToggle("fast");
| |
− | jQuery(this).toggleClass('active');
| |
− | }
| |
− | );
| |
− | //search form submission
| |
− | jQuery("#searchformtop input").keypress(function(event) {
| |
− | if (event.which == 13) {
| |
− | event.preventDefault();
| |
− | var len = jQuery("#s").val().length;
| |
− | if(len >=3) {
| |
− | jQuery("#searchformtop").submit();
| |
− | } else {
| |
− | alert("Search term must be at least 3 characters in length");
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | });
| |
− | //email subscribe form submission
| |
− | jQuery("#feedburner_subscribe button").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery("#feedburner_subscribe").submit();
| |
− | });
| |
− | //show login form
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-login").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-login-form').animate({
| |
− | height: 'toggle'
| |
− | }, 100, 'linear' );
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-register-form').hide();
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-register').removeClass('active');
| |
− | jQuery(this).toggleClass('active');
| |
− | });
| |
− | //show register form
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-register").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-register-form').animate({
| |
− | height: 'toggle'
| |
− | }, 100, 'linear' );
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-login-form').hide();
| |
− | jQuery('#sticky-login').removeClass('active');
| |
− | jQuery(this).toggleClass('active');
| |
− | });
| |
− | //submit button hover effects
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-submit").hover(function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).toggleClass("active");
| |
− | });
| |
− | //login form submission
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-login-form #user_pass").keypress(function(event) {
| |
− | if (event.which == 13) {
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-login-form .loading").show();
| |
− | jQuery("form.sticky-login-form").animate({opacity: "0.15"}, 0);
| |
− | event.preventDefault();
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-login-form").submit();
| |
− | }
| |
− | });
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-login-submit").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-login-form .loading").show();
| |
− | jQuery("form.sticky-login-form").animate({opacity: "0.15"}, 0);
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-login-form").submit();
| |
− | });
| |
− | //register form submission
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-register-form #user_email").keypress(function(event) {
| |
− | if (event.which == 13) {
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-register-form .loading").show();
| |
− | jQuery("form.sticky-register-form").animate({opacity: "0.15"}, 0);
| |
− | event.preventDefault();
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-register-form").submit();
| |
− | }
| |
− | });
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-register-submit").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery("#sticky-register-form .loading").show();
| |
− | jQuery("form.sticky-register-form").animate({opacity: "0.15"}, 0);
| |
− | jQuery(".sticky-register-form").submit();
| |
− | });
| |
− | //hide check password message
| |
− | jQuery(".check-password").click(function() {
| |
− | jQuery(this).animate({
| |
− | height: 'toggle'
| |
− | }, 100, 'linear' );
| |
− | });
| |
− | //scroll all #top elements to top
| |
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− | // user rating panel display
| |
− | // user comment rating panel display
| |
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− | // user comment rating
| |
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